Category: weight loss

Benefits Of Coconut Oil

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Benefits Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has a lot of uses when it comes to eating. We have previously noted that it may be able to help you lose weight. Cooking, baking, or eating by itself, coconut oil is delicious and a lot of people enjoy eating a spoonful every day. You can eat it off the spoon or melt it first, if you prefer. You get an energy boost, immune system support, and all the nutrients without any of the work. How much easier can it be?

Coconut oil does not spike insulin in your bloodstream, even though the taste is sweet. Therefore it is okay for diabetics. It has also been found to reduce heart disease and feeds the brain by improving cognitive function.

Instead of non-stick sprays, try rubbing coconut oil around your glass dishes, slow cookers, and pans. You do not need to melt it first, as the warmth of your hands will do the job for you. And if you have any remaining oil left on your fingers, you can rub it in as a moisturizer!

Any oil can be replaced with coconut oil. Remember that coconut oil stays solid at room temperature and plan accordingly. Sometimes the oil can quickly solidify again if placed on a cold ingredient, so either work fast or make sure the ingredients are not fresh out of the refrigerator or freezer.

Baking is very easy with coconut oil. Replace your butter or other oil with it, using the same amount the recipe calls for. It will add a slightly sweet coconut taste to your baked goods. More flavor without any extra work.

Coconut oil can withstand high heat without breaking down. Whether you are making a stir-fry in your wok or broiling a dish in the oven, coconut oil will still taste delicious.

Add it to any recipe that would benefit from a coconut flavor. Some ideas include shrimp, chicken, popcorn, and tofu. The possibilities are endless.

What Is Coconut Oil Good For

You may not be aware of it, but coconut oil has many uses. As well as being able to use it in your everyday diet, it can be used around the home, as a beauty product, for your health, or for eating – coconut oil is very versatile. It can also be used with animals.

Around the home, coconut oil can be used as furniture polish. It is advised that you put a little on your wooden furniture in a hidden spot to test it out first, to make sure you like the effect. If it is okay, put some coconut oil on a rag and polish away!

On the same idea, you can use your coconut oil on a wooden cutting board if it is looking old and dry. Take your clean cutting board and rub the oil in. It will take care of the dullness and leave it looking much better.

If you have something that needs lubrication, such as a squeaky door hinge or a stuck zipper, try a little bit of coconut oil. The warmth of your hands should melt it enough so that it can do the job. No more messing with sprays!

There are many ways in which you can use coconut oil as a beauty product. It is safe and smells wonderful. Why not try a few?

Coconut oil is antibacterial. It is also antifungal and antimicrobial. That means you can use it as a moisturizer and it is great for your skin. You can also use it on your face to help prevent pimples and other breakouts.

Not only will it work as a moisturizer, but if you apply a thin layer on your skin, it can be used as sunscreen. You get double the benefits with just one application. Try it on your lips as a lip balm and sunscreen all in one.

If you are feeling sore and want a massage, you can ask your partner to use coconut oil as a massage oil. When you start to feel better, coconut oil can also be used as a personal lubricant. Just do not use it with latex, as it is not compatible.

Annoying bug bites can be helped by coconut oil. The bite will heal faster by applying coconut oil right on it. It also will help with any burning and itching you may feel from it.

Another healing use for coconut oil is on bruises. The swelling can go down and the redness fade. Simply apply the coconut oil directly to the bruise.

If you want to remove your makeup, apply a little coconut oil. You can use a cotton ball or your fingertips, and apply it by gently massaging the coconut oil into the makeup. Once the makeup is dissolved, use warm water or a washcloth to wash it away. Do not forget you can then moisturize with a little more coconut oil.

You can even remove hair with coconut oil. To use it to shave your legs, dry off your damp legs as much as possible and apply some coconut oil. Keeping your legs as away from the water as possible, shave, then moisturize with more coconut oil if desired.

Ring worm and athlete’s foot can be treated with coconut oil. It can also be used to treat other yeast infections and fungal infections. When applied to a small burn, it can help prevent an infection from setting in.

Other issues that can be treated with coconut oil are canker sores, hives, and acne. If you are suffering from an ear infection, you can put a few drops in your ears a couple of times a day to reduce the pain and to help heal it.

If you are feeling ill and want a vapor rub, you can easily make it yourself. Three drops of tea tree oil, six drops of rosemary oil and three tablespoons of melted coconut oil are all you need. You can increase the drops of the tea tree and rosemary oils if you wish, by a few drops. Mix and carefully apply to the nose and chest.

For a natural homemade toothpaste, try mixing coconut oil with baking soda. Once it has reached a paste consistency, you are done. If you like a minty toothpaste, try adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil to it.

As you can see, there are a lot of uses for coconut oil. These are some ideas to get you started. It is not just for eating, as it can be used in the home, for health, and for beauty.

Best Yogurt For Weight Loss

Yogurt Is Made From Milk

Often considered one of the most nutritious foods available, many people eat yogurt for its calcium-based factors, while others may use it as helpful for those who are lactose intolerant. However, did you know that certain yogurts are able to help you lose weight and belly fat as well? According to scientific research, yogurt is able to do more than strengthen bones; it can actually assist with burning fat, maintaining muscle strength, and protecting the metabolism. The only issue is to eat the types of yogurts that will help instead of just taste good. This article will provide information on the best yogurt for weight loss.

Why Should I Eat Only Certain Yogurts?

If evidence has found that yogurt can help with weight loss, then surely any yogurt should be able to assist with burning fat? This is good logic, but it is incorrect as not all types of yogurt are created equal – this is why there are full-fat and low-fat options. Depending on the diet you are following, you may wish to choose a high fat or a low or no-fat option. The full-fat yogurt option is more suited to those following a low carb diet; however, low-fat or non-fat versions may be more suitable for those on low calorie diets but check for sugar! It should be noted that all yogurts are filled with calcium and protein, so they are better breakfast options than sweetened cereals and just as quick to prepare and eat. Flavored yogurt options also tend to have more calories than the plain or unflavored counterparts. The most beneficial option is the Greek-style yogurt because this type is thicker, creamier, and filled with more protein. If you want flavor, try adding fruit to the plain yogurt but not too much or you will be defeating the removal of sugar.

What Are The Types Of Yogurts Available?

Of course, you can make your own yogurt and this may well  be your best option for yogurt that you will like and eat, especially if you suffer from intestinal problems such as IBS, ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s Disease.

If making your own yogurt is not an option, then here are some commercial brands that you may wish to try.

1. Icelandic-Style Strained Non-Fat Yogurt

One of the most advantageous yogurt options to help with weight loss is the Icelandic-style non-fat yogurt, particularly the Siggi brand. This type of yogurt is similar to the Greek varieties increasing the protein content; therefore building up muscle and bone strength. The most popular option is the strained non-fat vanilla style which, contrary to popular belief, does not have any sugar and only 100 calories. The average price of one tub of Siggi’s non-fat yogurt is $1.50. Prices, of course can vary at different outlets and change over time.

2. Fage 2% Greek Yogurt

Not only is the Fage brand Greek yogurt creamier and more enjoyable than the non-fat or low-fat options, but the small amount of milk fat in the product allows the body to absorb any fat-soluble vitamins in the item. The 2% fat Greek yogurt variety presents with only 8 grams of sugar and 150 calories making it a good option for weight loss. Moreover, it is much purer than others offering milk, cream and proteins. The average price of one tub of Fage brand yogurt is $1.60. Prices, of course can vary at different outlets and change over time.

3. Organic Greek Plain Low-Fat Yogurt

Another Greek yogurt variety that is the best yogurt for weight loss is the Wallaby Greek yogurt brand. Not only is this brand the most widely accessible product, but it is a “middle of the road” alternative for individuals who enjoy the idea of extra milk fat in their yogurt while not committing to the calories of a full-fat product. The organic Greek low-fat option from Wallaby presents with 130 calories and only 4 grams of sugar. The average price of one tub of Wallaby brand yogurt is $1.60. Prices, of course can vary at different outlets and change over time.

4. Whole Milk Greek Plain Yogurt

It is well known that all Greek yogurt varieties present with low sugar content and high protein levels, so they are considered the best yogurt for weight loss while strengthening muscles. The Chobani brand whole milk Green yogurt is made with full fat milk, however, this yogurt product has only 130 calories and 4 grams of sugar making it a good option if you want creamy yogurt without sugar. The average cost of a Chobani yogurt tub is $1.40. Prices, of course can vary at different outlets and change over time.

5. Whole Milk Vanilla-Flavored Yogurt

Some individuals cannot bear the taste of plain yogurt and need some taste to it; therefore, there are yogurt varieties that allow sweetness while still helping to reduce your waistline. One of the creamier options is the Dannon brand whole milk yogurt with vanilla flavoring. Containing vitamin D, this product is a sweet yogurt helping bone strengthening and protection. Unfortunately, it has high sugar content with 15 grams of sugar and 140 calories are making it a “now and then” option. The average price of this yogurt is $2.00 per tub. Prices, of course can vary at different outlets and change over time.

6. Live bio culture yogurts

There is some research to say that live yogurts, that is yogurts containing bio cultures of beneficial gut bacteria, can be helpful in weight loss.

Yogurt is a healthy food, provided it does not contain much sugar and can help with weight loss, provided you choose the right kind to eat for the type of diet you use and your lifestyle.

How To Stay Positive About Losing Weight

Losing weight is something that is a concern for many people and like many people, you have probably tried a few different types of diets in your lifetime. In fact, you may even have seen some success along the way but, as is often the case, that success is short-lived. Many people make the mistake of thinking it is the diet plan that they chose or perhaps they just feel as if they are lacking willpower. In reality, there is something else that is often lurking under the surface that keeps us from reaching our diet goals.

I’m talking about a positive attitude and when we first start a diet, we are likely dealing with a negative attitude about our body image and perhaps even about ourselves in general. A negative attitude can be detrimental to your weight loss goals, but how can you make the switch and be positive over your efforts? When you learn how to do so, you will find that dieting becomes quite easy and it is more than just a way to lose weight, it becomes a doorway to a healthier lifestyle.

The first, and perhaps most important thing to do if you want to stay positive about weight loss is to make your mind over. It isn’t enough to simply tell yourself that you are going to lose weight or to make some plans as to what you will eat. It has to do with your mental attitude and that attitude must be as positive as it can possibly be. From the moment that you decide to go on a diet and lose some weight, you need to see yourself as a thin person. This type of a positive change in our thinking can really help to motivate us and to make us take the necessary steps to finally drop the weight and keep it off permanently.

Something else that needs to be considered is the motivation that is associated with weight loss, as this also reflects our attitude toward the system. Some of us may be attempting to lose weight because others feel that we should but if we are not doing it for ourselves, we have really lost the battle before we get started. If you truly want to lose weight, you have to have a positive attitude and know you are doing it for yourself. This isn’t selfish thinking, it is positive thinking and when you lose weight for your own reasons and your own benefits, it becomes a whole different ballgame.

Starting the diet with a positive attitude is one thing but remaining positive as you are going through the process is quite another. All of us get discouraged from time to time and it is during those moments of discouragement that we often fall off the wagon and do something that we later regret. All too often, this stumble signals the crash and burn of our diet but it doesn’t need to be that way.

As you are moving toward reaching your weight loss goals, continue to remind yourself on a daily basis of the reasons you are doing so and the benefits you are experiencing. Give yourself a weekly weigh-in and provide yourself with a reward (not food!). Take some time to focus on your health and keep close records as to any accomplishments that you have made. Doing so will truly help to move the needle in the right direction and it will help you to stay positive as you move forward. In addition, it will help you to remain strong, should you happen to stumble along the way.

It is possible to get recordings of positive weight loss affirmations that can be played regularly and which may help you stay positive about weight loss. Some people may also find that hypnosis sessions can help.

One other option that you may want to consider is enlisting the help of a friend that will become your weight loss buddy. Prior to the time that either of you goes on any type of diet or weight loss program, have a heart-to-heart discussion and let them know that your top priority is remaining positive. Make sure that they are on board and then you can work together in order to keep your attitude at a premium level. It is when you are positive over your efforts that great things will happen.