Category: weight loss

Adding Fiber To Your Diet

Why And How Add Fiber To Your Diet?

It’s a given on a diet isn’t it? You hear it all the time. Add more fiber! Drink more water! But Why and How?

What Is Fiber?

Fiber comes from plants, it’s part of what we consume when we eat our fruit and veggies and other plant based food items, provided the fiber hasn’t been stripped out by processing. It is also known as dietary fiber or roughage. There are two kinds of fiber, soluble and insoluble.

Insoluble fiber is the part of plant foods that your body cannot digest. It provides bulk in your intestines and helps your body in two ways. It keeps you feeling full for longer and along with water, helps move food on down through the digestive system so you are less likely to suffer from constipation.

Soluble fiber actually dissolves in water. Recent research associates it with reduced stroke risk, improved heart health and lower cholesterol levels, among other things. It can stop the stomach from emptying as quickly as normal, keeping you feeling full for longer.

Benefits Of Fiber

  • Both soluble and insoluble fiber keep you feeling full for longer;
  • soluble fiber can help with heart health, reducing stroke risk  and with lowering cholesterol levels;
  • insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation (along with water – keep hydrated);
  • Both soluble and insoluble fiber can act as what is called a prebiotic, that is, they provide a food for the good bacteria in your intestine, again helping prevent constipation, among other things;
  • Fiber is low in calories (depending on what it came from, of course) as it is not digestible, but if you eat high calorie food you will be getting calories from that, as well as the fiber.

How Much Fiber Do I Need?

The amount of fiber you need varies by person, by your weight and by your gender, among other things. Some people have a very fast digestive system that food moves through very quickly. Others have a slow system. The rate at which your food passes through your system can also depend on medication and the type of food you normally eat. Current recommendations are for about 25 grams of fiber daily for women and about 38 grams of fiber daily for men but most people get a lot less than this. If you are thinking about how to get more fiber in your diet, you need to take it slowly at first because adding a whole load of fiber at once may have unwanted side effects such as gas and bloating.

How To Get More Fiber In Your Diet


The natural way to add fiber is to eat a fiber rich diet! This means increasing your intake of vegetables, fruit, nuts, beans and lentils, etc. One easy way to do that would be to add red lentils to any soups or stews you make instead of thickening them with flour. You could also “eat your way” through the vegetable garden, using green vegetables ranging from artichokes to zucchini, by way of broccoli, brussels sprouts, celery and cabbage. For those on a normal or “healthy diet”, they could also add whole grain bread, cereal, pasta or rice. (No flour, cereal, bread, pasta or rice on a low calorie or ketogenic diet.) Many fruits also contain fiber (NOT bananas) but they may also have high calorie contents too because of the fruit sugar they contain. A medium apple for instance has about 95 calories in it. (Very little fruit is allowed on a ketogenic diet.) Don’t worry about your vitamins though, as your green veggies have plenty of those. So get those salads into you. And if you go to work each day, taking a food container with chopped up salad in it, such as celery and lettuce is a great way to add more fiber, while reducing the desire for a trip to the vending machine for a sugar bar!

You may also enjoy adding fermented vegetables, such as Kimchi and sauerkraut to your meals, to provide taste and a source of probiotics to your diet. Live culture yogurt is also a great dietary addition for probiotics.

Raspberries are one of the highest fiber fruits, surprisingly and a cup of those contains only 65 calories, a real win for weight loss on a low calorie diet. Dried fruits, such as prunes not only contain high amounts of fiber but also a chemical that helps promote good bowel movements. This is also present in apple and pear juice. Again, though, these would be high in calories.

The natural fiber from wheat and oat grains is often stripped away and sold separately as bran. This can be added to soups and stews to thicken them and even to home made bread and cakes or sprinkled over salads and other foods. They each have a nutty taste.


There are plenty of high fiber supplements available at reasonable cost to increase your fiber intake with no added calories. It is extremely important to drink lots of water with any fiber supplement, otherwise the fiber may clog you up worse than before, by absorbing moisture from your gut. And anyone who has had difficulties swallowing or who has narrowing of the food tube should NOT take these. The types of fiber available include psyllium husks (also known as ispaghula) and apple fiber. These are all readily available as powders or even as capules. Some commercial preparations add flavoring to psyllium husks to make them more palatable. You can do this yourself by adding a little lemon juice to the glass before adding the psyllium husks and water.

Probiotics also count as supplements. These capsules contain large numbers (in the billions) of bacteria to increase the numbers of “good” bacteria in your system that help with health and digestion. Taking probiotics is also useful after having a course of antibiotics which can wipe out your friendly gut bacteria. Remember to take these capsules with cold water. They contain live bacteria and taking them with a hot drink, like tea or coffee could wipe them out before they even reach your gut!

Laxatives and Suppositories

The final option, if you really “can’t go” is to use a laxative, which brings about a bowel action or softens the stool to make it easier to pass or to use a suppository, which is inserted into the back passage to soften the stool so it can be passed. These should NOT be used where nothing is passing, not even gas or where there is abdominal pain or any suspicion of a blockage or the person potentially has appendicitis. In these cases consult your medical adviser urgently.

Diet High In Fiber

If you need a diet high in fiber, check out the nutritional information available on food packaging these days. You may find that the best foods for your preferred diet are not that high in fiber but by adding a little of these different high fiber foods to your diet throughout the day, you can put more fiber in your diet with only a little additional effort.

Hip Flexor Pain Treatment

Dormant Butt Syndrome or Old-Guy Butt Syndrome

No matter how fit you are, you may be suffering from dormant butt syndrome, especially if your job entails a lot of sitting. Also called Old-Guy Butt syndrome, it refers to tight hip flexors (in your hip) and possibly weak gluteal muscles (your butt) which can cause pain and weakness in the hips and knees. This can happen even in runners and others you wouldn’t think have left ANY muscle in their body untrained! This can lead to hamstring injuries, back pain, hip pain and knee injuries that could lead to surgery. It can also happen in women after childbirth.

What Does It Have To Do With Diet?

I know this site is about dieting and weight loss but there are two major reasons this article is here. First of all, if your hips are painful, it’s difficult even to walk, never mind run and the loss of that ability to move can lead to weight gain. Removing the pain in the hips and knees caused by tight hip flexors could make moving around an awful lot easier and help you keep your weight in check. Secondly, there is a muscle (psoas) that is close to the hip flexors and that is kept under constant tension when the hip flexors are tight. This muscle is normally tightened only when you are under threat – the fight or flight syndrome – but if the hip flexors are tight, the muscular imbalance in your body keeps it under constant tension, causing stress. Stress releases a hormone – cortisol – that contributes to weight gain. So, two reasons for this article being on this site and two ways of helping your body remove that excess weight dragging you down.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

You can learn to unlock your hip flexors with a specific series of movements that are not normally part of a normal training routine. If you think you may have tight hip flexors, you can click here to find out how to unlock them, along with improved health, release from pain and even weight loss.


Yoga For Weightloss

yoga class

Yoga classes

The Best Yoga Poses For Weight Loss

You may be well aware that yoga is very effective when you are trying to alleviate stress, tone your body and improve flexibility; however, you may not be aware that yoga is also very effective at helping you melt hard to remove fat from your body. It can also help remove that stubborn fat that appears after a person reaches the age of 40. There are several effective yoga poses for weight loss that you can add into the routine you carry out to tone your abs, arms, legs and butt.

Yoga helps to lower stress levels in the body, thus reducing the level of the stress hormone, cortisol, which signals your body to store fat, and also increases your body’s sensitivity to insulin. These two changes in the body signal the body to use the fat that has been stored on your body as fuel. When the following yoga poses are performed on a regular basis, results may be seen within a month.

The Yoga Workout

Before you begin your yoga workout you need to make sure that you have all of the necessary equipment and that you understand the workout routine. The only equipment that you will need to perform your yoga routine is a mat. If you do not have a mat you can use a carpeted space instead. Beginners should take great care with new poses or when taking up yoga for the first time.

For the best results you should perform the entire routine at least three times a week. The yoga poses for weight loss should be held for up to five breaths. If you find this is too difficult for you, you can perform a modified version of the pose until you are strong enough to try the more difficult variation.

People who are looking to see faster results can hold each pose for more breaths and increase the number of repetitions.

The Crescent

Yoga poses

One yoga pose for weight loss is called the Crescent. This move helps to tone and firm the hips, thighs and abs.

You begin the pose by standing tall with your feet facing forward, your legs together and your arms relaxed at your sides. Inhale and lift your arms up towards the ceiling. When you exhale, bend your hips in front of you and lower hands to the floor. Inhale again and when you exhale the second time, move your right leg back and bend the leg into a right angle.

This will place you into a lunge position and when you inhale again, return the leg to the starting position. Repeat sequence on other leg.

The Willow

This yoga pose helps to firm your oblique muscles or the sides of your abs. You begin the pose in the same position as the Crescent. Stand with your feet together and your arms relaxed at your sides. Take the sole of your right foot and place it against your left inner thigh. Let your palms meet in front of your chest and hold the pose for two breaths.

When you inhale the third time, raise your hands towards the ceiling. You will then exhale. On the fourth inhale you will return to the starting position. This pose can be more challenging if you close your eyes during the position changes.

These are just two yoga poses for weight loss that you can include in your daily exercise routine. Stay consistent with the routine and you will begin to see the stubborn fat melt away.

Yoga Burn Program for Women

If you want to try a revolutionary yoga program specifically designed for weightloss in Women, you could try the Yoga Burn 12 week series designed to help women lose weight. It is suitable for all women, both beginners and advanced at yoga, with different levels for those with different experience. There is a useful and interesting video available to watch that will tell you all about the program. And it is affordable! Click Here to Check out the Yoga Burn program. especially if you want to obtain a flat belly, a tight booty and reduce stress.